It seems odd, but Parisian cemeteries are filled with works of art. These are a few of my favorite from the Montparnasse Cemetary.

“The Separation of a Couple” was originally destined for Luxembourg Gardens but it was considered too obscene. It depicts a woman straining to rise from her grave to console her mourning lover, face in hands, standing above her.”

This angel stood out among the tombstones. It is the grave of Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, the sculptor who created the Statue of Liberty.

The Kiss, by Brancusi, sits atop the tomb of Tania Rachevskaia, his Russian friend who committed suicide for love.

My favorite tomb was the one of inventor and businessman Charles Joseph Pigeon. Reclining on a double bed are the figures of Charles and his wife in the middle of a conversation. The wife holds a flower while Charles has a pen and notebook in his hands.