We went on a quick getaway to Laguna Beach. Mr. B has a friend that has a condo right on the beach and it was perfection. The condo was on the first floor – the waves sounded as amazing as they looked. Laguna Beach even though it’s only one hour away from LA it has a small-town feeling that is… View Post
Take a Ride on the Polar Express
We took a trip to Heber, Utah for a ride on the Polar Express. Everyone was dressed in PJ’s as we boarded the Polar Express for a 90-minute train ride to the North Pole. Along the way, an Elf read the story of “The Polar Express.” The rail cars were warm and cozy and everyone got a cup of hot… View Post
Who said Weddings aren’t for Kids
My son Ryan got married on December 14, 2006. It was a simple but elegant event. The Bride and Groom are a beautiful couple. I was fascinated by watching all my grandkids entertain themselves dressed in their finest. The girls spent time with Jill in the bridal room making sure that everyone looked their best for the reception. Even the big… View Post
Barcelona Top Five
ONE – Of course, we had to visit the Sagrada Familia begun by Antoni Gaudi and still being built according to our guide by the hands of God and the people of Barcelona. An incredible spiritual place, the architecture is stunning and the fact that it is still being built makes it more than a building but an experience. This is… View Post
Monte Carlo – Where’s my yacht?
Monte Carlo is a city of luxury. Beautiful cars, people, boats and buildings. One thing we learned their taxis are scarce. Long story but we finally gave up on finding a taxi and hiked it back to the ship. Yes, we did go into the casino and I gambled away all my $25. It was fun while it lasted –… View Post