The Covered Passages of Paris where a fun adventure to explore on a few of my rainy days. They were built back in the 18th and 19th centuries and were constructed as shopping arcades. Today they are filled with bookstores, vintage and independent boutiques, and charming eateries. These are my four favorites but there are many more.

The Galerie Vivienne, 2nd arrondissement is definitely one of the prettiest passages I found in Paris. This gallery is full of luxurious brands as well as art, book and fabric boutiques, and lovely bistros. The elegant glass canopy filled the passage with light. The original mosaic floor and artistic details make it on my list of worthwhile places to see in Paris.

Passage de Grand Cerf, 2nd arrondissement is the busiest arcade and the oldest in Paris. Inside this passage, I found curious crafts, stamp shops, artisan shops, and vintage postcard stalls making it an ideal place to buy original gifts. It’s wasn’t easy to find, but I’m glad I did.

Galerie Colbert, also in the 2nd arrondissement was the best maintained but it was completely empty. There were no stores but it was home to l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art and L’Institut National du Patrimoine and lots of Neo-Classical architecture.

The Passage Jouffroy, 9th arrondissement is a charming place to wander. A lot of the original facades of the stores have been kept, which gives it a charming atmosphere. This passage is known for it’s stamp, photograph and postcard shops. I adore black and white tile floors and this one is spectacular. It’s the only passage with a place to stay, the Hotel Chopin.