The pigeons and I love this spiral tile fountain on the square in front of the Cathedral. You’ll see lots of photos of it on Pinterest.
Cologne is a cheerful people place. It was amazing to see people sitting all around the riverfront actually talking to each other. No one was on their cell phone, they were just visiting and hanging out.
This is another photo I couldn’t resist posting. This blogger/instagramer brought her own camera girl.
For several years now, love locks have been considered one of Cologne’s most charming traditions. As proof of their love, couples fix padlocks to the railings on the Hohenzollern Bridge. Then to ensure everlasting love, they throw the key into the Rhine.
Many of them have been elaborately designed; some engraved, painted, or decorated with home-made stickers. It’s estimated that the padlocks weigh over two tons and some worry about the weight on the bridge.
A visit to Cologne must include a visit to the Schokoladenmuseum (Chocolate Museum). You’ll learn the history of chocolate and of course get free samples. I learned the best chocolate comes from Ecuador and the most chocolate production is from the Ivory Coast.
There is also a Chocolate Cafe and Gift Store. All the labels in the gift store are in German so it gets a little interesting guessing or translating all the different varieties and goodies they sell.